Security Guards are the first line of defense against crime. With unpredictable situations, and terror on the rise, the guards are required to gain some basic knowledge on how to react in emergency situations. Additionally, different sectors in the corporate and industry require guards to behave and react accordingly. Ironically with about 5 million people in the security industry, 1.3 million more than India’s police and armed forces combined, formal training to the Security guards has been missing till recent past.

India’s Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005 (PSARA), was created to improve private security standards in the country by issuing licenses to security companies. It also sets minimum standards for security guards, such as 160 hours of training before deployment. Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005 (PSARA) has made it obligatory for the Private security agencies to impart formal training to its guards force.


Security officers make use of their experience and exceptional training to control and prevent any crime. It is their job to ensure safety and enforce laws. Our training programs insure all round knowledge of security and safety techniques which are taught thoroughly by on field and off field training. That is the reason our training program outmatch the required standards set by different countries. During the training, security officers enhance skills such as observation, first aid, investigative techniques, loss prevention and crisis management. The security officers are taught by experienced law enforcement professionals and Ex- Army men. The mental and physical training strengthen the knowledge and skills security officers need in order to earn the license.


Globalization has changed the structure and pace of corporate life; the saturation of traditional markets is taking companies to more risky places. New business practices such as off shoring, challenge companies to manage at a distance. Because of this, security risks have become more complex. Many of the threats, such as terrorism, organized crime and information security, are asymmetric and networked, making them more difficult to manage. As a result, security has a higher profile in the corporate world today than it did five to ten years ago. Companies are looking for new ways to manage these risks and the portfolio of the security department has widened.

To cater to the growing requirement of the Security Managers in the Industry and the Corporate World, we at NS Securites are providing one-to-one personalized workshops to professionals and managers on a regular basis. The training to the corporate world is provided through the use of customized modules, intensive role-playings, case studies, brainstorming and simulations. Consisting of a pool of Management Consultants and Trainers having rich experience in their respective core competency areas, NS Securites undertakes management consultancy projects and corporate training programs and provides total Security solutions.

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